Thank You for spending time with The Grynd Report. Please Introduce yourself and tell us where you are from?
My name is Scott Burdett. My stage name is “Big Hulk“, which was given to me by some former band mates some years ago. I’m from a small town in southern Louisiana called Franklin.
Describe what it was like growing up in your city?
Growing up in Franklin was great for me. I had a really diverse group of friends – and I’m still cool with a lot of them today. We grew up playing sports all day, riding bikes all over town, drinking out hoses – normal country stuff. We had some tough times too, but we had way more good than bad – mostly because we made it that way. My town has some ways about it, but it’s home and I wouldn’t trade it for anywhere else.
When did you decide to get into the music business and why?
I started doing music back in high school, probably around the age of 14. Started playing guitar at 16. I got into the business because music is my hobby. Music has put me on stages and in rooms with some great people, and I’ll forever be thankful for that. I got into the industry as the lead guitarist and rapper/vocalist for Undivided Band. For reasons I won’t get into, I left the band. When I left, I was still in writing mode. I grabbed some beats from a couple producers I know, started writing, and the rest is history. Rap and Hip Hop have always been my first loves, so I’m really excited to see where this new journey will take me.
Talk to us about the concept of your latest release Tick Tock?
“Tick Tock” came about in kind of a weird way. You see all the dance challenges on TikTok and the other social media platforms. I was listening to a beat and scrolling through social media and came across a video where the girl was dancing to a song called “Throw Dat A** in a Circle”. I might be dating myself since most people don’t use analog clocks anymore, but I got to thinking in my head “throw that a** in a circle like a clock – tick tock, tick tock…” I wrote the hook, and after that it took about 30 minutes or so to finish the rest of the song. It is an up tempo dance song. More than likely there will be a “Tick Tock” challenge coming after the release on March 29th. Get ready ladies. 26 and up, start stretching NOW!
How Would You Describe your music to someone who has never heard it before?
I would say that my music is like a good gumbo. It is truly a sum of its parts. Growing up in south Louisiana, I had a lot of musical influences, so I had a lot to draw from. With that being said, I make whatever the beat tells me to make. If I hear a dance track, I’m making a dance track. If I hear it telling a story, I’ll tell a story. If it’s talking noise, I’m talking noise. Sometimes I might get on a kick where I’ll make a track that sounds like it’s straight from Houston. I even have a couple where I bust out the guitar. I said all that to say – I have something for everyone. Grab a bowl and enjoy some gumbo!
Talk to us about your work outside of the music Business?
Outside of the music business, I’m going into my 12th year as a teacher and coach. I started my career in my hometown at Franklin Jr. High. I’m currently in my second year at another school in St. Mary Parish called Centerville High School. I coach junior high football and baseball, and high school football and basketball. My kids are some of my best supporters. I try out new songs on my high school kids. I know they’ll give me the real if it’s good or not. Anyone with kids knows they don’t care what comes out of their mouth. I love them for it though. It is my goal to be able to use my music to make life better for the kids in my community. Some of them don’t have the best situations at home, and I’ll do anything I can to help them make it out.
What do you want people to feel when they listen to your music?
When people hear my music I want them to feel like they’re getting an experience. Even with songs like “Tick Tock” I want them to be able to visualize the lyrics – like they’re watching a music video even though there isn’t one. I want people to know that the guy they’re listening to had fun making the track they’re hearing. Lastly, I hope that they feel the freedom I feel making the music. Too many people are afraid to pursue their passions because of fear of what others will think. I am pursuing my passion unapologetically – and I can only hope hearing me do that causes someone else to feel free to pursue theirs. We all deserve our release from this crazy world we live in.
What is your definition of Grynd?
I can sum up “Grynd” in one of my favorite quotes.
“Don’t make excuses, make s*** happen.”
Either find a way, or make one.
What can we expect from Big Hulk in the Future
I’m constantly working on new music. My song “You’re Not Alone” with my good friend Adolph “AdoSoul” Davis released on February 23rd. I have a track with Spitta from Baton Rouge dropping March 8th. My album “Swamp Stories” will be coming out March 29th. I’ll be writing and releasing singles and more than likely another album before the end of the year. I have a couple podcasts and radio interviews lined up. I really hope I can get on some shows while I’m off over the summer. I traveled across the south with the band, and I’d love to do it again with my own music. Anyone wanting to stay up to date or wanting more information can sign up for my mailing list on bighulk337music.com.
Any Shoutouts?
God for the talent. My parents for always supporting me. My producers for the first album BeatFreak and Mikki Gunz. My engineers Teyrance “Titan” Alfred and Eddie Bodin. My students at CHS and former students at FJH and FHS. Anyone who chooses to take this journey with me. All the people who can’t support me in public because they talk about me in private. My bro Showstoppa Da Real Sick Patient – been solid since I met him and we got a track on the album together. And lastly to Grynd Work Enterprises/The Grynd Report. Hopefully we can work together again soon. Salute to y’all and keep doing what y’all are doing.